

Climate Warming Definition

The most influential climate warming processes are those that enhance the greenhouse effect. This is because the properties of Earth’s atmosphere determine how much radiation (heat energy) is kept in the air, and how much radiation is kept out…

Temperature in Iceland

Iceland’s summer temperatures have not always been as warm as they are today. A growing body of research shows that the climate in Iceland has been gradually heating up in recent decades…

Why Is It Raining So Much?

On average, the global climate is becoming wetter because evaporation and evapotranspiration rates are rising, which is why wet seasons and precipitation events have intensified in many parts of the world…

Fighting Climate Change With Better Farming

woman tending to small plant

By improving crop survival rates, Indigo Agriculture’s seed treatments could be used as part of a nature-based climate solution…

What Is Causing Global Warming?

Global warming refers to the heating up of Earth’s surface mostly due to fossil fuel burning and land alterations…

What Are Feedback Loops?

Climatological feedbacks are cyclic process that can either amplify or reduce the effects of a climate forcing…

Reduced Water In the Fertile Crescent Rivers

A paper titled, “The Impact of Climate Change on the Euphrates-Tigris Basin and Political Dynamics in the Region“, maintains that warmer temperatures in and around the rivers will decrease winter precipitation and snowpack…

Authored by daVarius Robinson

Climate Change News
